Our online drivers education course is approved by the state of Georgia Department of Driver Services and is a great way to complete your driver education requirement at your convenience.
The DDS requires at least 30 hours of study, but there is no maximum time limit to complete the course. The quizzes and final exam can be taken as many times as necessary in order to pass the course.
The course can be accessed at any time and taken at your own pace. It is divided into 11 units, with a quiz at the end of each.
You will need to answer at least 80% of the questions correctly on each quiz in order to move on to the next unit. After completing all units and the 30 hour time requirement, there is a 30 question final exam, also requiring a score of 80% to pass.
When you have passed the course you will be emailed your certificate of completion.
The Safe America Foundation 30 hour online course is taught in 12 units and covers the following topics:
- Novice Driver Responsibilities/Licensing Requirements
- Operator and Vehicle Control Tasks
- Space Management
- Basic Maneuvering Tasks
- Expressway (High Speed) Driving
- Personal Factors Influencing Performance
- Environmental Conditions (Weather, etc.)
- Vehicle Functions/Malfunctions
- Sharing the Road with Commercial Vehicles
- Reducing the Influence of Distractions
- Aggressive Driving and Road Rage
- Safety and Security
- Insurance
Other Course Benefits:
When combined with either our 6 or 10 hours in-car, Behind the Wheel training, this program satisfies the state requirement for full driver education programs.
The Safe America Foundation’s Behind the Wheel Training covers the following (based on instructor evaluation):
Pre-Driving checks (external visual and internal adjustments).
Basic Driving Skills: maneuvering; accelerating & braking; cornering & turning; backing; parallel and other parking
Intermediate Driving: Intersections; urban driving; highway driving.
Additional benefits include:
- Possible 10% reduction in insurance premiums to drivers under 25 years of age.
- $150 Georgia Income Tax Credit when combined with our 6 hours behind the wheel program.
- Certificates of completion are generated Monday-Thursday and can take up to 48-hours to post.
Get Started Today!
Certificates of completion are generated Monday-Thursday and can take up to 48-hours to post.
ADAP Curriculum
This class does not contain the ADAP curriculum. You can take that free online.